Contact information

Jokikone Oy

Teollisuuskatu 24
80100 Joensuu

tel: +358 10 3878 100

Opening hours:
monday - friday 8-17,
saturday 10-14

When the prices of calls 010 numbers are telephoned: To ring snt/tel. from the mobile phone 8,35 + 17,7 snt/min (vat 24%) to ring snt/tel. from the thread telephone 8,35 + 7,02 snt/min (vat 24%)

N.B.! If all our lines are reserved, your call combines to the interviewee service, remember to dictate your telephone number also, the player's number is not automatically recorded in the interviewee.

Contact us, give feedback or only greet otherwise.

With a next form you can leave a contact request to us. Tell briefly you would like to get additional information from which matter and we will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks for your contact.


Johanna Halonen

Johanna Halonen

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